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Merly Jayanti
Ade Maria Ulfa
Angga Saputra Yasir

Background. Antioxidants are defined as compounds that are able to delay, slow
down, or inhibit oxidation reactions. One of the plants that has the potential as
natural antioxidants is the telang flower. The purpose of this study was to determine
whether the ethanol extract of telang flower (Clitoria ternatea L.) can be formulated
in a losion form that meets the requirements of the physical evaluation test and to
determine the ethanol extract of telang flower (Clitoria ternatea L.) has antioxidant
activity. Methods. The extraction using maceration techniques with 96% ethanol
solvent. The yield obtained from the maceration technique was 29.16%.
Phytochemical analysis of telang flowers contains alkaloids, flavonoids, polyphenols,
saponins and tannins. Determination of the levels of flavonoids obtained levels of
10.05% and for polyphenols of 15.33%. Results. Telang flower extract (Clitoria
ternatea L.) can be formulated into losions and meets the requirements of the
physical evaluation test in the extract concentration of 0.1%. The losion of telang
flower extract (Clitoria ternatea L.) with a concentration of 0.1% telang flower extract
has very strong antioxidant activity because it has an IC50 value <50 ppm, and the
IC50 yield of a losion with a concentration of 0.1% telang flower extract (Clitoria
ternatea L.) of 37.92 ppm which means that it has very strong antioxidant activity.
Conclusion. The formula of the telang flower extract lotion has strong antioxidant
activity and has the potential to protect the skin from free radicals.

Keywords: Clitoria ternatea L Lotion Antioxidant Telang flower Phytochemical