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Erick Prawira Suhardhi
Ascobat Gani

Introduction. Pandemic Covid-19 situation in Indonesia since March 2021, make
hospitals to have adaption with condition. Therefore, there is un satisfaction for
nurse profession, training, nurse assessment and ethical in emergency, this is
known by pre survei in emergency. This research was aimed to study about nurse
satisfaction in pandemic area, and see pandemic effect to nurse satisfaction, topic
research is satisfaction for nurse profesion, training, nurse assesment and ethical
nurse. Methods. Research method for this research is descriptive quantitative,
where research use fact, situation and variable happen when the research on going.
instrument used in this research is quisoner, sample used is nurse which work in
Hospital X, Tangerang district with total sample 151 nurses. Results. Nurse
satisfaction preview in hospitals X, Tangerang district is more than 90% nurses
satisfied with profession of nurses, training more than, nurse assessment and ethical
of nurse. Conclusion. All the nurse satisfied with their profession, training,
assesment and ethical implementation, there is improvement room to reduce blame
culture in nurse division and implement just culture in nurse division.

Keywords: Nurse satisfication Assess emt Ethical of nurse Covid-19 Pandemic