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Windi Anggriani
Stella Retta Marina
Ayu Hasanah
OK Yulizal

Background Bangun-bangun leaves (Plectranthus amboinicus) are part of the
Lamiaceae family. (1) (1) Bangun-bangun leaves have a characteristic aromatic leaves
aroma used as a medicinal plant (2). According to research conducted by (Dalimunthe
et al., 2016) to find the use of this plant as an antibacterial because it contains
compounds such as flavonoids, tannins, tripenoids, saponins, and essential oils. On
the bangun-bangun leaves there is carvacrol, which is an essential component that has
antibacterial activity in positive or negative gram bacteria. streptococcus pyogenes
bacteria are vectors of suppurative infectious diseases and other diseases such as
pharyngitis. While salmonella typhi bacteria is a vector of the disease which is usually
called typhus and the medical language is typhoid fever. The purpose of this study was
to determine that the bacteria salmonella typhi and streptococcus pyogenens can be
inhibited by the leaves extract. The benefit of this research is to increase public
understanding and knowledge in the use of bangun-bangun leaves. The method used
in this study is an experimental method and post test only controlled group design. For
the concentration used, namely 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and this strength test is done
by inserting the extract into a petri dish that has a bacterial culture. Data processing
uses one-way ANOVA with the aim of comparing each variable. To see the extract
against bacteria. The results showed that there were variations in the diameter of the
inhibition zone formed by the concentration of the extract. And the most effective
concentration to inhibit streptococcus pyogenes bacteria was a concentration of 25%,
the inhibition zone diameter was 19.5mm, while salmonella typhi bacteria had a
concentration of 25% and the inhibition zone diameter was 37.7m.

Keywords: Bangun-Bangun Leaves Extract Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour) In inhibiting the growth of Streptococcus pyogenes and salmonella typhi bacteria.