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Eby Juliana Sabrina
Riona Sanjaya
Yona Desni Sagita

The problem of primary dysmenorrhoea is largely overcome by resting and taking
medication. Many ways to eliminate or reduce dysmenorrhea both pharmacologically
and non-pharmacologically. Management of menstrual pain can also be managed nonpharmacologically, such as giving aromatherapy, aromatherapy administration
techniques can use a variety of aromatherapy such as lavender. The purpose of this
study was to determine the effect of Lavender Oil Aromatherapy on Menstrual Pain in
Students at SMP N 18 Pesawaran in 2020. This type of quantitative research design is
quasy experimental design research with one grub pretest and posttest approach. The
population in this study were all students. Samples taken in this study were 31
students who experienced disminore when the study took place. Analysis of the data
used using the Wilcoxon test. The results of data analysis and processing found that
there was an effect of Lavender Oil Aromatherapy on Menstrual Pain in Junior High
School 18 Pesawaran in 2020 with a p-value of 0,000 <0.05. Respondents can increase
their knowledge about handling disminorea by searching for information via the
internet or reading books, so that respondents are not dependent on pharmacological
treatment alone.

Keywords: Disminorea Aromatherapy Lavender Student